Social Media Burnout
A two minute V Cast documentary I can relate to: Social Media Burnout. Starts out quite serious (face and voice of addict disguised). It ends with...well, you need to watch it here. Focus, two minutes...focus.
Again, I bring up Steve Rubel's prediction of a coming "Attention Crash."
Angry at Wall Street?
Recently, I went on a "news fast" after watching the market free-fall. Instead, I indulged in a "fake news" binge, watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report every night.
Laugh until you cry (don't drip on your stock statements), by going here for Jon Stewart's (The Daily Show) magnificently, cleverly edited rave about Wall Street. You will need to commit some time for this, but it's worth it. Gather the family around for 21 minutes...incredible therapy. I watched it twice. I feel much better now : )
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